Bed and Breakfast | Souvigné (37330)
Homestay | Vion (72300)
Homestay | La Guierche (72380)
Homestay | Baugé en Anjou (49150)
Studio for rent | La Bazoge (72650) | 26 M2
Homestay | Conlie (72240) | 11 M2
Homestay | Sainte-Jamme-sur-Sarthe (72380)
Studio for rent | Baugé en Anjou (49150) | 29 M2
Homestay | Sillé-le-Philippe
Bed and Breakfast | Durtal (49430)
Bed and Breakfast | Sille-le-Philippe (72460)
Bed and Breakfast | Sille-le-Philippe (72460)
Homestay | Duneau
Homestay | Chemiré-en-Charnie (72540)
Homestay | Sablé-sur-Sarthe
Homestay | Torcé-en-Vallée (72110) | 11 M2
Homestay | Torcé-en-Vallée (72110) | 11 M2
Bed and Breakfast | Courcemont (72110)