Shared accommodation | Offemont (90300)
Homestay | Pfetterhouse (68480) | 170 M2
Homestay | Val-de-Ruz (2052) | 20 M2
Shared accommodation | Boécourt (2856)
Studio for rent | Fourbanne (25110) | 50 M2
Homestay | Val-de-Ruz (2056) | 15 M2
Homestay | Évette-Salbert
Homestay | Lamboing (2516)
Homestay | Cressier (2088) | 15 M2
Homestay | Les Combes (25500) | 15 M2
Homestay | Valangin (2042)
Studio for rent | Courfaivre (2853) | 50 M2
Homestay | Les Combes (25500)
Studio for rent | Courfaivre (2853) | 57 M2
Homestay | Cressier (2088) | 15 M2
Homestay | Cressier (2088) | 15 M2
Bed and Breakfast | Valdahon (25800) | 25 M2
Bed and Breakfast | Coffrane (2207)