Bed and Breakfast | Saint-Germain-sur-Ille (35250)
Homestay | Gévezé
Homestay | Teillay (35620) | 13 M2
Studio for rent | Guipel (35440) | 90 M2
Homestay | Romillé (35850) | 20 M2
Homestay | Bédée (35137)
Homestay | Saint-Gondran (35630)
Shared accommodation | La Noë-Blanche (35470)
Homestay | Parthenay-de-Bretagne (35850)
Homestay | La Chapelle-Chaussée (35630)
Homestay | Iffendic (35750) | 10 M2
Homestay | Iffendic (35750) | 10 M2
Homestay | Saint-Symphorien (35630) | 12 M2
Bed and Breakfast | Iffendic (35750)
Homestay | La Guerche-de-Bretagne (35130) | 17 M2
Homestay | Vitré (35500) | 10 M2
Homestay | Mézières-sur-Couesnon (35140) | 11 M2
Studio for rent | Vitré