Shared accommodation | Fougères (35300)
Homestay | Rives-du-Couesnon (35140) | 10 M2
Homestay | Rives-du-Couesnon (35140) | 10 M2
Homestay | Fougères (35300) | 20 M2
Homestay | Fougères (35300)
Bed and Breakfast | Saint-Jean-le-Thomas (50530)
Bed and Breakfast | Cherrueix (35120)
Homestay | Le Vivier-sur-Mer (35960) | 18 M2
Homestay | Hirel (35120) | 12 M2
Homestay | Grandparigny (50600) | 12 M2
Homestay | Fougères (35300) | 12 M2
Homestay | Hirel (35120)
Homestay | Hirel (35120)
Bed and Breakfast | Dingé (35440)
Homestay | Combourg (35270) | 15 M2
Studio for rent | Hirel (35120)
Homestay | Hirel (35120)
Studio for rent | Sartilly-Baie-Bocage (50530) | 75 M2